ALDESER ANNOUNCESThe “Asociación Latinoamericana de Desarrollo Sustentable y Energías Renovables A.C." (ALDESER) invites university students from Latin America and the rest of the world interested in Sustainable Development and Renewable Energies to the Student Challenge CIDSER 2021.
OBJECTIVESThe Student Challenge CIDSER 2021, has the following objectives:
WORK TEAMSTo participate in the Student Challenge CIDSER 2021 the work team must be formed by:
PROJECT PRESENTATIONThe presentation of the project after applying the suggestions made by the evaluation committee, will be made in person or virtually according to the preference of the participants and if the sanitary contingency allows it.
LANGUAGEBoth the Project Proposal and Presentation may be in Spanish or English (in case you are not a Spanish speaker).
The language of the proposal and presentation will not be a criteria to be considered for the evaluation of the project
EVALUATION CRITERIAThe projects presented in the Student Challenge CIDSER 2021 will be evaluated by a group of experts in the different topics of each area.
The evaluation criteria to be considered will be:
AWARDSPrizes will be awarded to the first 3 places in the Sustainable Development Area and to the first 3 places in the Renewable and Clean Energy Area.
PAYMENT METHODSBank transfer, check or cash deposit
Make your payment by bank transfer, check or cash deposit to the following account:
Banco: BBVA Bancomer Nombre: ASOCIACION LATINOAMERICANA DE DESARROLLO SUSTENTABLE Y EN AC No. de Cuenta: 0113112721 CLABE: 012882001131127216 Cash payments are not accepted. Online Payment
You can make your payment online via PayPal.
Payment per Project Student Challenge CIDSER 2021
( $155 USD)
QUESTIONS OR INFORMATIONIf you have questions or require more information on any of the points of this call, please contact the Organizing Committee of the Student Challenge CIDSER 2020 by email:
studentchallenge@cidser.org |